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High exhaust emissions usually fail many cars in MOT technical inspections. Such failures in MOT can be summed into two categories:
a. High exhaust emissions due to inadequate fuel combustion, gasoline and diesel.
May be due to the condition of the fuel system (fuel tank, fuel lines, water or condesate in fuel) or the combustion process (fuel injectors, fuel pump) or a mix of the above.
b. High exhaust emissions due to engine oil burning
Gases produced by burning engine oil in the combustion chambers can drive the exhaust emissions upwards and well out of any limit. Other than MOT failure, burned engine oil can foul catalytic converters and lambda sensors in gasoline engines, and can adversely affect DPF exhaust systems in diesel engines.
LUCAS OIL has solutions for the abpve problems and can hlep your vehicle pass the MOT test first time! Because it's LUCAS, you know that it works!
Many fuel additives claim that there can clean the injectors and the whole fuel system but LUCAS OIL Deep Clean fuel system cleaner can prove it true. Lucas Deep Clean is blended with an exclusive Lucas additive package and specific carrier fluid that contains no diesel fuel, kerosene or anything else that can be harmful or useless to an engine. It also reduces NOx emissions, eliminates the need for higher octane fuel and deep cleans the entire fuel system and combustion chamber.
The Solution
Add a 16oz / 473ml bottle of LUCAS OIL Deep Clean in the fuel tank, preferably add before filling to the maximum. It can be simply driven to the MOT station as it immediately starts to work and can effectively clean the system within a few kilometers. You cannot test the emissions yourself, but over the full tank you can check your average milage going up, up to a 6% improvement as it can be verified by the tests in taxis, both in Limassol and in Larnaca.
You can continue to use LUCAS OIL Deep Clean as often as you want, as a conservant and as a precautionary action. In such application, add a 5,25oz / 155ml bottle or alternatively, divide the economy-sized 16 oz / 473ml into three doses.
Oil-related Exhaust Emissions
When engines burn motor oil, exhaust emissions multiply and can lead to a MOT failure. An engine can burn oil in two different ways:
(ι) Due to the gradual wear in internal parts of the engine, the piston rings can no longer sweep the oil from the cylinder walls as the piston is going down. This oil is burned in the process, by the fuel ignition and the explosive gases in the chamber. When piston rings cannot contain the exhaust gases as a result of the ignition in the combustion chamber, a portion of these gases pass through the piston rings to the sump. These gases can adversely affect the engine oil properties that further accelerates the engine failure.
(ιι) Oil pumped on top of the engine for lubricating the valve gear and the camshaft, can seep through the seals of the valve guides into the combustion chamber where there it is burned with the fuel during the combustion. This can happen because by time the seals become hardened and lose their resilence.
The Solution
By adding LUCAS Heavy-Duty Oil Stabilizer in your engine oil:
(ι) Gives oil extra strenght against burning in the combustion chamber.
(ιι) Makes a better seal of the combustion chamber, meaning less oil left on the cylinder walls and a better, clearer ignition due to higher pressures achieved.
(ιιι) Special formula ingredients help engine seals to remain resilient and to their original properties. The valve guide seals can stop oil seeping into the combustion chambers, usually with only one application. Can also stop or prevent oil leaks from engine seals on your driveway.
It only makes sense to service your vehicle before the MOT, changing oil, fuel and especially the air filter. Add LUCAS OIL HD Oil Stabilizer in the new oil. As a rule of thumb, add 3/4 of the Quart (around 750 ml) in engines holding 3-4 liters of oil and increase to a full Quarter (approximately one liter) in engines holding 5-6 liters of oil. The best practice is to add 2 liters of engine oil, then add LUCAS and then fill with oil up to the maximum mark on your dipstick.
In case you use full synthetic oil for your engine, then add LUCAS OIL Synthetic Oil Stabilizer, on the same rates.
Many vehicle owners will turn to LUCAS OIL when they first get a fail in the MOT test. Most of them, will get a pass after following the advice above, a proof that LUCAS OIL WORKS!
Avoid the unecessary hassle and additional expenses by passing first time. Just add LUCAS Deep Clean in your fuel and LUCAS Heavy-Duty Oil Stabilizer in your engine oil, BEFORE taking the MOT test.